What would you like to listen to tonight? Why not go out and discover some of the awesome live acts that play only for you. Support them with a visit in your local concert place. Swiss music is vivid and only waits to be explored.
Would you rather like some Folk like Ana And The Black Mamba or Blues by Bluez Ballz, or rather some Pop like Heidi Happy or Fedora Saura? Or are you rather in the mood for some metal as Infinitas or self explaining Burn Out Punkrock? Or do you in contrast prefer Reggae, maybe from Sayam, Famara or an album release party by Kulturattentat?
… that’s just a tiny part! For the lovers of Rock, Techno, Hip Hop, Breakbeats, whatever you prefer you will find something that will please you.
Give it a go and cheers to some excellent concerts and parties tonight, all over Switzerland and elsewhere, whoever you decide to listen to!
===> CLICK HERE to see all concerts.